Friday, November 20, 2009


Christopher-John is the second yougest child of the Logan kids. He is more laid back than the his siblings. He doesn't like troublesome things. He is less active than his siblings. According to Cassie, there's nothing that can make Christopher-John.

Little Man

Little has three older siblings, Cassie, Stacey, and Christopher-John. They live in Mississippi in 1933. Little Man doesn't like to be dirty. He likes to stay clean. Little Man never wants to have anything on his clothes. When him and his siblings were walking to school, Little Man was walking slow so he won't get any doesn't get any dirt on him. While walking, he said," Y'all get dirty if y'all wanna. Me, I'm gonna stay clean." ( page 4 ) While at school, Little Man started a temper tantrum. He didn't like the book he had. It was dirty and it had the word " nigger " in it. He got a whopping from the teacher who then told his mom. His mom stood up for him and knew just why Little Man didn't want that book.


Cassie is the narrator of the story. She has three brothers. The little one, Little Man who's six , Stacey, who is twelve, and Christopher-John, seven. They live in Mississippi in 1933. Their father owns 400 acres of land. Now they have trouble paying taxes, so the father has to go to Louisana to lay track. Her father said to her,"Look out there Cassie girl. All that belongs to you. You ain't ever had to live like that, you ain't never had to live on nobody's place but your own and for as long I live and this family survives, You'll never have to." ( page 7 )

On the first day of school, Cassie was in the same class as Little Man. After Little Man through a temper tantrum, she got in trouble for agreeing with Little Man that the book was mean and

One day, Cassie and her brothers were waiting for school. When the school bus came, the bus driver splashed the kids with water. Kids from the bus yelled, " Nigger! Nigger! Mud eater!"( page 48) So at lunchtime, Cassie and her brothers wanted revenge, so they dug hole and the bus came by and got stuck in the hole.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Four Little Girls

Birmingham was a city full of hate and violence. Blacks had to face tough challenges and hate from white folk. Four little girls died because of that hate. Blacks soon over came those challenges using strength and courage.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Homophone Paragraph

Homework My homework is due tomorrow and I didn't finish. I don't know what to do. My dog ate my homework and I knew not leave my home to leave it with him. And now I can't get a new sheet to do. I had all week to do my homework before I got the dog. Now I feel weak in my stomach. I'm scared out of my mind. Now here's a lesson for all you kids with dogs. Never leave your homework with a dog.

Monday, November 9, 2009


In his 1996 State Of The Union address,Bill Clinton suggested that public schools should have a uniform policy. President Clinton stated that school uniforms would creates less violence and teaches good values and citizenship. Well I disagree with that statement. School uniforms don't create good values and citizenship,people do. Forcing students to wear uniforms is unfair and it's untrue that allowing students to wear their own clothes creates violence and stops schools from teaching good values and citizenship.

Uniforms don't solve the problems their supporters say they do. For example,school uniforms doesn't stop violence and inequality. In "Say No to School Uniforms",it said,"Each city hoped that uniforms would limit school violence". Violence and hate can still happen. School uniforms can't stop students from hating each other and getting into fights. Another reason is that students have to wear the same style of clothes.Some students might find it boring to wear the same thing over and over. Also,school uniforms doesn't seem to stop peer pressure either. In "Say No to School Uniforms", it said,"Students will still want to follow the new fashion trends, even if they can't wear the clothes in class". Those are reasons school uniforms aren't what they're suppose to be.

If their were no school uniforms, this would be good for students. Students would have a sense of freedom. Students would be able to express themselves by wearing what they want.Like in "First Impressions",Shawna said"You can still express your individuality". That's the same situation with students and their uniforms. Students don't have to wear uniforms to be good people and have good character. They can wear anything and still act the same. Also,in "First Impressions",there was a passage where Shawna was reading a magazine and a section said "Clothes Make the Woman and the Man. Well the same thing goes for this statement. Uniforms don't change how boys and girls act.

Wearing school uniforms doesn't help change anything in school or society. I don't see the point to wear uniforms. I think students should wear what they want. Schools should give the students a chance to express themselves and get rid of uniforms.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A passage from "First Impressions" that can help in my essay is the part when Shawna seen the title of a magazine article that said"Clothes Make the Woman and the Man."I can include that in my essay by disagreeing againist that by using it in a statement stating that uniforms doesn't help students with anything and that its just like any other outfit.