Monday, February 1, 2010

HW # 85

In the last chapter of The Greek Gods, it mostly talks about Greek story of Hercules. Hercules is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman. Hercules was given a quest and had to pass through many labours. Hercules had to fight creatures like the Hydra, Mares of Diomedes, and the Neamean Lion. Zeus' wife Hera had a great deal of hatred toward Hercules. Hercules' final labour was to retrieve Cerberus, Hades' three headed dog, from the underworld. Hercules was guided by his brothers and sisters on his way to the underworld. Hercules asked permission to take Cerberus and got the dog and safely took him without harming him.

The situation between Hera and Hercules reminds of Percy Jackson and his stepdad in the Lighting Theif. Gabe Ugliano, Percy's stepdad, doesn't like Percy that much. He thinks Percy is a littile crazy, demented kid that is a freak. Percy thinks his mom deserves better than a beer swilling, hating, and mistreating husband like Gabe.

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