Monday, February 8, 2010

Orangutan Questions

Reader Response : Q4- I know that Galdilaks is very devoted to saving orangutans because she studied orangutans for 27 years and she rescued many orangutans and she traveled to places in the world to support their cause.

Writer Response : Q3- I think the author of this article explained the situation about the orangutans first to tell readers what the story will be about. Like a sneak preview about what we will learn about orangutans.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

HW # 89

2. I can relate this book to Freak the Mighty. I say that because in Black Pearl, Ramon finds a black pearl in the ocean and In freak the Mighty, Max and Kevin found a purse in the sewer. As you can see, they both found something valuable.

3.I would recommed this book book to my brother Ter'hone. He likes stories about imaginary monsters and he would have a fun time reading the book with me. He would also get scared of the devilfish Manta Diablo.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

HW # 87

Preposition- I am by the bank.
Conjunction- Neither Phil nor Allen like basketball.
Noun- Elillot and Janet play lacrosse.
Verb- Danny kills Roger.
Interjection- With excitement, Billy screams, " Wowy!"
Article- I am a boy.
Adverb- Hany screams loudly.
Adjective- James has a furry, brown dog name Furs.
Pronoun- He doesn't like you.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

HW # 86

Write Book Pages 44-45

1.The jack rabbit watched the coyote.
2.People evacuated their homes.
3.The team won the tournament.
4.The play was postponed.
5.Priscilla hesitantly took charge.
6.Roll up your pants.

1.Was she reasonably sure about her answer?
2.The lights went out!
3.Make sure you have sufficient cash.
4.Does Rex have a job in insurance?
5.My sister has a huge vocabulary!
6. take that dog to the vet.

C.This place is a mess.The workmen are fastening panelsof wallboard. They have been demolishing my room. It seemed like an eternity now. My grandmother recntly had a stroke. She's in with us because of that episode. My room is being divided in two. I had the only aproppiate bedroom. I resent my loss of space. I suspect Grandma resents her loss of freedom even more.

HW # 86

Write Book Pages 40-41

1.At the school bazaar was a table with an assortment of junk.
In the clutter I spotted some old minoculars.
2.The climber felt for a toehold. His foot slipped into a cleft in the rock.
3.The locusts blanketed the farmland. They swarmed over acres of crops in a terrible plague.
4.Against the blue sky, the snowfall glittered like diamonds. The flakes fell softly.

1.My mom hired a tutor to help me with my schoolwork. I have seen an improvement in my writing, and my grades have gone up too.
2.During the investigation, Mr.Maddox interviewed the witnesses. He asked for their versions of events, and they described what they have seen.
3.A waiter returned a wallet to its owner. The owner was very relieved, and gave the waiter a reward.

1.Manatees are ocean animals. They live in Florida's waters. Manatees feed at nightime and sleep during the day.
2.Each night a manatee searches for food. It grazes on water plants. It will consume the equivalent of about one-tenth of its body weight.
3.Manatees are in danger. Humans are destroying their habitats. Motorboat propellers hit manatees resting just below the water's surface.

Monday, February 1, 2010

HW # 85

In the last chapter of The Greek Gods, it mostly talks about Greek story of Hercules. Hercules is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman. Hercules was given a quest and had to pass through many labours. Hercules had to fight creatures like the Hydra, Mares of Diomedes, and the Neamean Lion. Zeus' wife Hera had a great deal of hatred toward Hercules. Hercules' final labour was to retrieve Cerberus, Hades' three headed dog, from the underworld. Hercules was guided by his brothers and sisters on his way to the underworld. Hercules asked permission to take Cerberus and got the dog and safely took him without harming him.

The situation between Hera and Hercules reminds of Percy Jackson and his stepdad in the Lighting Theif. Gabe Ugliano, Percy's stepdad, doesn't like Percy that much. He thinks Percy is a littile crazy, demented kid that is a freak. Percy thinks his mom deserves better than a beer swilling, hating, and mistreating husband like Gabe.